Forbidden television meals were reinvented to only enjoy what is necessary in front of the telly, such as inventive popcorn recipes and dessert-to-share.

Looking on the bright side of lockdown, it saved us expensive trips to the cinema that included rushed pre-screening dinners at random restaurants. The cinema was involuntarily exchanged for movie nights at home. Forbidden television meals were reinvented to only enjoy what is necessary in front of the telly, such as inventive popcorn recipes and dessert-to-share.

Best Line of a movie?

He Said “I will make him an offer that he cannot refuse.” – The Godfather

She Said “I’ll have what she’s having!”  – When Harry met Sally.

Benguela Cove Estate Syrah 2017, pizza-popcorn and Green Book

This cool-climate Syrah and film are equally intense. We watched the Green Book when visiting my family in Canada, and once you get into this film (and the wine), one batch of this popcorn recipe won’t last long. 

The film is set in 1962, inspired by the true story of a tour of the Deep South by African American classical and jazz pianist Don Shirley and Italian American bouncer Frank “Tony Lip” Vallelonga who served as Shirley’s driver and bodyguard.

You need:
half a cup of popcorn kernels, 2 tbsp. melted butter, 3 tbsp grated Parmesan, 1/2 tsp. garlic powder, a sprinkle of oregano and red chili flakes to taste, and half a cup of chopped salami.

Pop the popcorn the traditional way on the stovetop. Put the amount you want to serve in a resealable bag, add the ingredients, give it a good shake, and serve.

Neil Ellis Whitehall Chardonnay 2019, sushi and The Godfather

Widely regarded as one of the greatest films of all time, Georgio has always wanted me to watch this 3-hour mob drama with him, based on the powerful Italian-American crime family of Don Vito Corleone, featuring Marlon Brando and Al Pacino.

Having what we believe to be one of the best sushi restaurants just around the corner, Ocean’s 8, we ordered our favourite spread and opened a bottle of the Neil Ellis Whitehall Chardonnay 2019. The grapes for this premium Chardonnay come from where Neil Ellis produced the first certified wine from Elgin. The wine exudes precision, and it is an utterly delicious expression of Chardonnay. Its abundant white fruit is chiselled with a pleasing mineral tone and aromatic hints of honeysuckle and crushed hazelnut that will entice your palate as tension builds up in the movie.

Delheim Spatzendreck 2019, cheesecake and The Persuit of Happyness

It was one of those chilly winter days in the middle of lockdown last year when we craved cheesecake. I remembered the recipe sent to us by the Delheim Wine Estate, dedicated to their late patriarch, the legendary Spatz Sperling. The recipe dates back to his birthday in 2006. Upon his one wish, a delicious cheesecake, the chef realised that she only had mascarpone and no cream cheese in the fridge, so she decided to use cottage cheese and mascarpone instead. Ever since, this cheesecake has been a popular choice at their Garden Restaurant on the estate.

The bitter-sweet film was Georgio’s choice: The Pursuit of Happyness (the spelling will make sense when watching the movie). It is based on a true story about Christopher Gardner (played by Will Smith) struggling to make ends meet. When he loses everything and hits rock bottom, having to care for his little boy, the story unfolds as the tenacity of the human spirit pays off. 



130g Cake Flour

6 Eggs

512 g Mascarpone

512 g Cottage Cheese

300g Castor Sugar

1/2 packet Tennis Biscuits

150g Butter

500 ml Cream

1/4 Cup Lemon Juice

Vanilla Essence



Melt butter and crumb the Tennis Biscuits. Mix and combine.  

Butter the cake tin and equally spread the crumbs in the cake tin base.

Whisk the eggs and castor sugar together. Mix mascarpone and cottage cheese together. Sift cake flour into the mascarpone and cottage cheese mix. Add the lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of vanilla essence. Add half a litre of cream and blend together. Bake at 170°C for 1hr and 30 mins. Add your favourite dressing and pair it with a glass of Delheim Spatzendreck!

Muratie Mr May Grenache Noir 2018, marrow bones and The Kominsky Method

Cornelius, or Mr May as he was affectionately called, planted, and pruned many a vine at Muratie Wine Estate, and they named this enjoyable wine after him. This wine is absolutely delicious with a generosity of red fruit like strawberries, mulberries, cranberry, gogi berry, and a subtle note of fynbos and thyme. It is somewhat floral and spicy, making it a refreshing partner with Annetjie Melck’s marrow bones, served with toast.

This wine is as morish as the Netflix series we started watching when pulling the cork on this Grenache Noir. The Kominsky Method is a hilarious yet heartfelt story of life, the value of friendship, and growing older, starring Alan Arkin and Michael Douglas.


Ask your butcher for the middle sections of the long bones, salt, and freshly ground black pepper to taste, and toast.


Preheat the oven to 230˚C. Rinse the marrow bones thoroughly under cold water. Dry thoroughly with a kitchen paper towel. Cover an oven pan with foil and place marrow bones on top. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the bones and bake for 15-20 minutes. Marrow bones are cooked when the marrow starts pulling away from the bone, and the clear fat starts to drip from the bone. Remove the pan from the oven and let it cool down slightly. Use a knife to remove the marrow from the bones and spread it on toast.

To have your wine featured and reviewed, please contact us.


Samarie +27 82 072 5451

Georgio +27 83 326 3016
